Creatures can have many different abilities, some of which can be gained from magic items, spells or the abilities of other creatures. Not all are beneficial, such as being poisoned. Creature abilities can take effect at various times during the duel. These include:
On cast
The ability activates when the card is cast after the creature enters play. If the card is disrupted, this ability will not activate.
Start of Turn
This ability will activate at the start of each of your turns.
Before Attack
This ability activates just prior to your creatures attacking.
End of Turn
This ability triggers at the end of your turn.
On Death
This ability activates when the creature dies.
On Equip
Activates when the creature is equipped with a magic item.
Receive Damage
The ability activates every time the creature loses life.
Damaged Creature
The ability activates when this creature damages an enemy creature.
Damaged Player
This ability activates when the creature damages the enemy player.
Killed Creature
This ability activates whenever this creature kills another creature.
Creature Died
This ability activates when any creature dies.
Creature Cast
This ability activates whenever a creature is cast onto the battlefield.
Aeon Abilities
These abilities activate whenever the player spends an Aeon card on the creature of the proper color. The card is dragged onto the creature, instead of discarding it.
Continuous Abilities
Some abilities are always active so do not activate at a particular time, such as Armored or Venomous.