Lost Portal update 1.4 is now available and includes a new expansion!

The Feldyr expansion adds 40 new cards.

Explore the town of Feldyr and three new dungeons filled with new enemies!

With this expansion, four new card backs are available in the deck manager.

This release also introduces a new Quest Log, to help track your progress through the game. Even better, new quest rewards have been added in the form of new aeon cards!
Great game! I found a bug. Spiderlings increase in power (“might”) even when damage to the player is blocked by the shield of life (“protector”).
Thanks for the feedback, which I am considering.
On one hand, the Protector ability is worded: “All damage the player receives is redirected to this creature”, which implies the player is receiving damage, but just redirecting it. From that perspective, triggering the “Damage player” ability makes sense.
Hi. I have purchase all the expansions, but have delete the app, when I reinstall. The expansions are all gone. Can you advise me please?
Hi Justin,
Sure, no problem. There is a “Restore” button in the bottom right of the Lost Portal store. Press that and it tries to restore all prior purchases from Apple. If that doesn’t work for some reason, you can also select “Buy” on each expansion and Apple is smart enough to know you’ve already purchased the item and will not charge you again. Just make sure you are using the same Apple account that originally made the purchases.
Cool! It worked. By the way, I play a couple of games every day. It’s still amazing after so many years. Unfortunately I accidently lost all my progress. But it’s okie, happy to rebuild. Keep up the good work!
Glad to hear it!
Bug Report: If you cast Time Jump and win the battle before taking the extra turn, during your next battle you’ll get an extra turn after your first.
Picked this up about a week ago; having a wonderful time with it! 😀
Thanks for reporting this bug, which is fixed in the latest release! Glad to hear you are enjoying Lost Portal.
Loving the new cards. Best game I’ve had so far was a 395 to -21 life total win. So many great combos. All I play is the bosses only dungeon and one of the greatest additions is the merchant that sells purple cards. So good.
Hi Russell,
Glad to hear that you are enjoying Lost Portal. 395 to -21 sounds like a crazy duel!
If I had to make a request, it would be for a SUPER boss dungeon where all the bosses have twice as much life and offer purple card drops up to twice as good, not gold.
Thanks for the suggestion. I do like playing with bosses having more life too, so maybe I’ll make that an option.